As it travels from coast-to-coast across Canada, the Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay will engage more than 70% of Canadians and be celebrated in a number of exciting ways. Various events planned in conjunction with the Relay will provide the opportunity to bring communities together, highlight and celebrate progress made in accessibility and inclusivity, recognize local difference makers who are champions for positive change, inspire youth to take action and showcase the local talent that makes Canadian communities so extraordinary.
Relay Launch Event: Day 1
End of Day Celebrations
End of Day Celebrations will take place in conjunction with the arrival of the Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay into the final community of the day. End of Day Celebrations are locally organized events designed to celebrate the arrival of the relay by recognizing your local difference makers, acknowledge the progress the progress that has been made in making your community a better place and showcase the inspiring community spirit that makes your home and citizens extraordinary.
Event Days
In certain cities across the country, the 25th Anniversary Relay Team will be spending an additional day engaging local community organizations. These event days are days in which the relay itself is not operational but the Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay team will be visiting a variety of community facilities including schools, hospitals and community centres. These activities will offer an educational and inspirational look at Rick Hansen's journey, the progress made over the past 25 years and the goal of a future world that is truly healthy, sustainable and inclusive.
This page will be continually updated with all of the exciting events that will be taking place in conjunction with the Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay. Please continue to check back to find out what events are taking place in a location close to you!